500 RIDDOR Free Days

After a Directors safety meeting involving MPG and fellow sub-contractors, the Mace team at Greenwich organised a BBQ for the whole site in recognition of reaching 500 days RIDDOR free. This is a great milestone and everyone remains committed to helping maintain the highest possible standards. Supervisors continue to put operatives to work safely and continuously check the MACE 4 steps to safety are being followed.

Along with other sub-contractors, MPG have attended the Safety First Second Nature workshop which has increased awareness of many safety issues such as:

• Promote and hold safety conversations
• Engage everyone in 'Safety first. Second nature.'
• Enhance knowledge of what is expected of our people and supply chain
• Embed tools and techniques such as the Four Steps and OEI
• Don't walk by

Ken Edwards, MACE Project Director said "Well done to all who contributed and attended the BBQ to mark our 500 day RIDDOR free achievement. Providing we remain truly focussed on putting Safety First, our operatives will continue to go home safe every day."
