
MPG use over 5000 tonnes of plasterboard each year and incorporate several systems to ensure we send as little as possible to recycling centres and reduce labouring costs. Plaster board is not considered hazardous waste but is readily recycled and therefore must be segregated from other waste streams.

MPG order board cut to size, load out our boards to an exact area by area guide, to reduce double handling and damage. We adopt a Get It Right First Time Policy in order to minimise the waste generated by remedial works. By incorporating these procedures, we have saved an additional £135,000 in material, labouring & making good costs.

It is MPG Policy to handle our own waste stream whenever possible, which allows us to select the best waste carriers, accurately measure the amount of waste generated and carry out waste reduction exercises which can be analysed and reported upon via KPI's.

In order to bring this message home to all our managers and operatives, we have adopted a weigh station for small offcuts as well as a recycling area to construct baffle boxes from large offcuts, resulting in an even greater reduction of plasterboard waste.

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